Un couple noir portant des lunettes pour contrôler la myopie. Ils rient tous les deux joyeusement.

What is myopia?

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is the struggle to see distant objects clearly. It usually begins in childhood or early teenage years and progresses through young adulthood.

What are the effects of myopia?

Myopia causes objects at a distance to appear blurry. For children, this often leads to trouble focusing in class or difficulty with sports or other activities that require distant vision.

What causes myopia?

Myopia happens when the eyeball becomes elongated or the cornea and lens become too curved, causing improper focus. All of the following can contribute to or worsen the effects of myopia:

Images SVG colorées de têtes représentant des facteurs génétiques pouvant être responsables de la myopie

Genetic factors, like family history and ethnicity.

SVG représentant les facteurs environnementaux - Un autre facteur lié à la myopie

Environmental factors, like not enough time spent outside.

SVG d'une main tenant un téléphone. Les appareils numériques sont également liés aux causes de la myopie

"Near work" like studying, reading and using digital devices.

What can I do?

However, there are also many day-to-day things you can to help look after your child's vision.


Put eye care first

The earlier myopia is spotted, the better. Regular eye care and annual exams can prevent the onset and progression of myopia.


Get outside

Natural light significantly reduces the risk of myopia onset and progression. We recommend at least two hours of daily outdoor time, with proper sun protection of course!


Reduce near work

Encourage your child to spend time away from screens and reduce near work time to a maximum of 90 minutes a day.


Follow the 20/20/20 rule

During near work or screen time, look away every 20 minutes at something at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds, making 4-5 complete blinks.

Un optométriste effectue un test oculaire pour un enfant en utilisant la dernière technologie oculaire.


Visique offre plusieurs options de traitement, dont certaines peuvent ralentir la progression de la myopie jusqu’à 90 %. Discutez-en avec votre optométriste pour trouver l’option qui vous convient le mieux.

L’orthokératologie, ou Ortho-K est un traitement qui consiste à porter des verres de contact conçus sur mesure pendant la nuit. Ces verres de contact permettent de remodeler progressivement la cornée et de réduire l’allongement du globe oculaire. Idéalement, ce traitement permettra à votre enfant de voir clairement sans lunettes ni verres de contact pendant la journée.


Daily disposal contact lenses, worn during daylight hours, can help reduce the stimulation that causes eyeball elongation.

Specialty Contact Lenses

Regular prescription lenses are enhanced with peripheral vision management technology. These help focus light to slow down eyeball elongation.

Specialty Glasses

Often combined with other treatments, low-dose atropine eye drops are widely used to help slow the progression of myopia.

Pharmacological Eye Drops

Often combined with other treatments, low-dose atropine eye drops are widely used to help slow the progression of myopia.