According to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB), 75% of all vision loss can be treated or prevented if caught on time. Unfortunately, many Canadians don't take the time to get a regular eye exam, either because they're worried about the cost or don't think there's anything wrong with their vision.
Many eye diseases start out with little or no symptoms, so it’s only possible to catch them and begin treatment through an eye exam. Additionally, the more advanced an eye disease gets, the harder it is to reverse or treat, and that’s where bigger financial strains are really experienced by patients. Preventative care and upkeep is by far the cheapest and healthiest option for your eyes!
Most Canadian provinces have a health system designed to make the stress of eye exam coverage and prescription eyewear more manageable by providing eye care assistance programs. Eye exams without insurance are topics covered and discussed below as part of Canadian vision care.